Jiala Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located in the West Trench of the Jiala Pass, Saga County, Tibet. It was named by Lin Baoyu and Qiu Hongrong in 1982.
Lithology and Thickness
Volcanicastics and Limestone. Composed of dark-purple thin- and medium-bedded welded tuffs, vesicular basalt, marl and bioclastic limestone, with a thickness of over 322 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unclear contact relationship with the underlying strata.
Upper contact
Unclear contact relationship with the overlying strata. Possible next-younger regional unit (or partly coeval) might be the Lasaila Limestone Fm
Regional extent
Distributed in the Jiala Pass of Saga County and the Langcuo North area to the east of the Angren County, Tibet.
Abundant animal fossils include Ammonoids represented by Popanoceras, Neogeoceras, Agathiceras, Neocrimites, Propinacoceras, Parapronorites, Neopronorites, etc.; Corals represented by Wannerophyllum, Dielasma, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information